Neck Pain

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About Neck Pain

Neck pain is a very common complaint, with up to half of the population experiencing neck pain at some stage in their life. In the majority of cases, the cause of the neck pain is not serious and often due to a sprain of the neck muscles and if treated appropriately, patients can expect to have a full recovery. In rarer circumstances, the cause of the pain may be due to an underlying condition or illness and this can be picked up when speaking to a doctor or from a medical examination

Symptoms of Neck Pain

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Mechanical causes

1) Muscular spasms are the most common cause of neck pain. They are caused by acute spasms of the muscles of the neck and shoulders. Common triggers include bad posture whilst sleeping or carrying unbalanced loads. 

2) Degenerative changes are due to simple wear and tear of the cervical vertebrae and surrounding soft tissue. 

3) Cervical nerve entrapment is a less common cause. This is often due to traumatic and age related changes to the cervical vertebrae may lead to disc prolapse or osteophyte formation.  These may in turn lead to mechanical entrapment of cervical nerve roots and cause referred pain.

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