Sick Notes

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Doctor's Sick Notes

Your workplace or college may request a fit note if you have taken sick leave or had some days off sick. These can be issued by our doctors.  Common reasons include illness, stress or depression.

Fit notes are also sometimes called sick notes, doctor's notes, fitness for work forms or Med3 certificates. For other occasions they can also write you a custom doctor's letter.

Just as importantly, your doctor will be able to examine you and provide appropriate advice and medication to help you start feeling better as quickly as possible.

Our doctors may potentially be able to issue these from a telephone consultation, but we would advise that you make an in-clinic appointment if you require one of these forms.

With 8 clinics across London, getting a sick note with DocTap is even easier than searching for an online sick note.

How to get a sick note

  • Book an appointment online and ask the doctor for a sick note during your consultation.
  • Provided that they agree that you are not fit for work then they will give it to you during the appointment.
  • There is no additional charge for a sick note or doctor's letter.
  • With 8 clinics across London and same day appointments it is even easier than searching for an online sick note.
Get a sick note from £49
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Doctors note for work

Your sick note will include the following information for your work:

  • A summary of the medical condition that has given rise to the need for a sick note.
  • Whether or not you are fit to work.
  • Whether you may benefit from alterations to your working environment such as a phased return to work, alter hours, amended duties or workplace adaptations.
  • The dates that the sick note covers.
  • Whether or not you will need to be re-assessed at the end of this period.

Your workplace can verify the validity of your sick note directly with DocTap should they wish to.

Book an appointment now

Being ill is bad enough, but having to jump through hoops just to get a sick note for work makes the whole experience even worse. Our doctors understand this and can quickly issue you with your sick note so that you can worry about getting better.

Alex Hamilton, co Founder
Sick Notes

As featured in

Doctors Appointments from £49