"In the event of a medical emergency most people know to dial 999. But what about the times when you just want to be seen quickly or require an out of hours GP? Maybe you're going away soon, have a big day coming up or simply wish to see a doctor urgently so that you can get on with life. DocTap has been designed for those occasions."

Alex Hamilton, Co Founder
As featured in

For life threatening situations, medical emergencies or an emergency doctor please dial 999 immediately.

DocTap specialises in same day and short notice GP appointments for when you don't have time to wait. We provide out of hours GP appointments from our 9 London clinics, including weekend GP appointments.

Often we may search for an "emergency doctor" or "emergency GP appointment" when it is not an actual life and death emergency, but when waiting for an NHS GP appointment would be a major inconvenience or discomfort. If that is your situation then DocTap can help you quickly, smoothly and affordably.

DocTap provide same day, face to face GP consultations from our 9 clinics across London. Our expert doctors are ideal if you require an urgent prescription, specialist referral, medical advise or blood test. Do not suffer in silence, book an urgent GP appointment from £49 and start feeling better right away.

DocTap also have out of hours doctors available at weekends and evenings. Please view appointment times for availability of urgent and out of hours GP appointments.

94% of 21812 patients who have reviewed DocTap would recommend us to their friends and family.
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Some reasons patients use DocTap for urgent GP appointments:

DocTap Urgent GP Clinics


Find out more

To find out more about DocTap same day GP surgery and walk in clinics please visit our homepage or check out the following links to further information.

General Practitioner Services

Diagnosis, prescriptions, referrals, sick notes, medical letters, blood tests, scanning and more...


Making a GP appointment, cancellations, our doctors, GP services, security, regulation and more...

DocTap Reviews

Read every patient review online. We do not cherry pick the best because we don't think you'd want us to.

London Clinics

DocTap's 9 London GP clinics.


Any questions? Please get in touch.

BOOK NOW from £49