Genital Warts

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About Genital Warts

Genital warts are small fleshy growths that appear on or around the genital or anal area.

They are the result of a viral skin infection caused by strains of the human papilloma virus (HPV). They are usually painless and do not pose a serious threat to health.

HPV is a family of more than 100 different strains of viruses, with different strains affecting different parts of the body. Around 30 different types of HPV can affect the genital skin. 

It is important to remember the strains of HPV that cause genital warts DO NOT cause genital cancer. 

Symptoms of Genital Warts

Most people who have an HPV infection will not develop any visible warts. If genital warts do appear, it can be several weeks, months or even years after you first came into contact with the virus.

The warts may appear as small, fleshy growths anywhere on the genitals or around the anus.

Warts are usually painless, although on some people they can become itchy and inflamed. If a wart becomes inflamed, it may lead to bleeding from the urethra, vagina or anus.

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Genital warts can be spread during vaginal or anal sex, and by sharing sex toys.

HPV is spread by skin-to-skin contact so you don't need to have penetrative sex to pass on / catch the infection. 

It can take months, or even years, for warts to develop after infection with HPV.

HPV is most likely to be transmitted to others when warts are present, although it is still possible to pass the virus on before the warts have developed and after they have disappeared.


Condoms do not provide complete protection because it is possible for the skin around your genital area not covered by the condom to become infected.

HPV vaccines in the UK are offered to all girls aged 12 to 13 years.

The vaccine Gardasil helps protect against HPV types 6 and 11, which cause around 90% of genital warts. It also protects against types 16 and 18, which are linked to more than 70% of cases of cervical cancer in the UK.


If you think you have genital warts it is a good idea to have a check-up as it is possible to have more than one STI at a time.

The treatment for genital warts depends on how many warts you have and where they are. Several treatments are available, such as liquids or creams and freezing the warts (cryotherapy). DocTap does not currently offer cryotherapy treatment.

Some people only ever get one episode of genital warts. For many others, the warts will recur. If you do develop a new wart, it is not possible to say if these are a result of the original infection or a new infection with HPV.

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