
Prochlorperazine Fact Card

Prochlorperazine is an antiemtic medication

Brands Stemetil
Used For Nausea, vomiting, vertigo (dizziness)
Doseage Discuss with the prescribing doctor
Side Effects Can cause drowsiness
Warnings Avoid alcohol
Pregnancy Discuss with a doctor or midwife before taking

Prochlorperazine is a phenothiazine type of medication which is usually prescribed for nausea and vomiting and vertigo.

What is Prochlorperazine used to treat?

Dizziness and problems with balance (labyrinthine disorders of the inner ear)

Nausea and Vomiting

How does Prochlorperazine work?

Prochlorperazine works primarily by blocking dopamine receptors in the brain.

Prochlorperazine affects dopamine receptors in an area of the brain that controls nausea and vomiting; the "vomiting centre". This area is activated by another area called "chemoreceptor trigger zone" (CTZ) which receives nerve messages from the gut. Prochlorperazine therefore controls nausea and vomiting by blocking dopamine receptors found in the CTZ and stops messages being sent to the vomiting centre. 

As featured in

How do I take Prochlorperazine?

Prochlorperazine is available as an oral tablet and buccal tablet which dissolves when put between your gum and cheek. 

The dose of Prochlorperazine varies according to the reason you have been prescribed it. 

It is best to check with your Doctor or Pharmacist regarding the appropriate way to take this medication according to your condition

Side effects of Prochlorperazine

Feeling dizzy/drowsy/delayed reaction time


Dry mouth

Feeling shaky or restless

Rarely, if used for a long time, it can cause movement problems. For this reason it is not advisable to stay on this medication long term. 


Things to avoid

It is best to avoid alcohol as this can enhance the unwanted side effects. 

Prochlorperazine and alcohol

Best to avoid taking with alcohol 

Can I take Prochlorperazine when pregnant?

Occasionally extrapyramidal (movement) side effects and withdrawal symptoms have been reported in babies when this drug is taken in the third trimester; babies will need to be monitored.

Prochlorperazine and breastfeeding

Avoid long term treatment whilst breastfeeding unless absolutely necessary

Our doctors are available now and can issue same day prescriptions for all standard medications. To see a GP regarding a prescription for prochlorperazine or for any other reason book an appointment now and start feeling better right away.

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Please note. This site is for information only. If you are taking any medications please follow the instructions given by your doctor. Should you have an adverse reaction to any medication please seek medical advice.

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