Blood Tests

Fertility Tests

Worries about fertility are common and it is important to remember that 80% of couples, where the woman is under 40, will conceive naturally within one year of having regular unprotected sex. It is advisable to to see a GP if you have been trying for over a year, or sooner if the woman is over 35 as fertility declines with age.

We appreciate that this can be a sensitive issue and a stressful time for both partners. Our doctors can provide support and guide you through the initial tests and arrange a referral to a fertility expert if needed.

It is best if both of you can attend together as fertility issues can affect both men and women. Your doctor will be able to carry out an examination to look for any abnormalities which may be precluding you from conceiving. They may also ask about sex, lifestyle, previous medical history and any medications you are currently taking.

For women requiring a fertility test our doctors can advise on and arrange blood tests and an ultrasound scan.  Semen analysis can be carried out for men. Both of you may be advised to also take a chlamydia test as this can affect fertility in men and women.

Do not worry about determining for yourself which, if any, test you need. This is something that your doctor will be able to determine and explain during your consultation. All our fertility tests are available same day with some of the fastest results in London. One of our doctors will take the time to explain to you what your test results mean and put in place any appropriate next steps based on those results.

How it works

Choose from any of our 7 London blood test clinics, open 7 days
They can advise on suitable tests and take a blood/urine sample
You will be emailed your results, analysis and recommendations
Follow up consultation only £25 for further treatment or advice

Types of Blood Test

All Blood Tests
Sexual Health
Full Blood Count Test
Health Screening
Cholesterol Test
Liver Function Test
Thyroid Function Test
Blood Test for Cancer
ESR & CRP Blood Test
Kidney Function Blood Test
Diabetes Blood Test
Fasting Blood Test
Blood Test

Popular Fertility Tests

Test Price Lab results *
Sexual Health Screen (Fast) £134 1 days

HIV 1&2/p24 antigen
Syphilis IgG/IgM

Extended Sexual Health Screen (Fast) £179 2 days

HIV 1&2/p24 antigen
Syphilis IgG/IgM
Hep B surface Antigen
Hep C Abs
Hep C Ag (early detection)

Comprehensive Sexual Health Screen £299 3 working days

HIV 1&2/p24 antigen
Syphilis IgG/IgM
Hep B surface Antigen
Hep C Abs
Mycoplasma genitalium
Trichomonas vaginalis
Gardnerella vaginalis
Herpes Simplex I/II

Chlamydia & Gonorrhoea (Standard) £63 3 working days
Chlamydia & Gonorrhoea (Fast) £79 1 days
DocTap Health Screen £99 2 days


FBC with 5-part Diff


Urea and Electrolytes
Sodium, Potassium, Chloride, Bicarbonate, Urea, Creatinine, eGFR

Liver Function Tests
Bilirubin, Alk Phos, AST, ALT, Gamma GT, Total Protein, Albumin, Globulin

Lipid Profile
Triglycerides, Cholesterol, HDL Cholesterol, LDL Cholesterol, non-HDL Cholesterol

Glycosylated Haemoglobin

Amenorrhoea Profile £148 1 days

Oestradiol (17-Beta)

Andropause Profile £178 1 days

Free Androgen Index

Antimullerian Hormone (AMH Plus) £99 1 days
Beta HCG (Quantitative) £52 1 days
Blood Group £79 3 working days

Label must be HAND written or will be REJECTED.

CMV DNA by PCR (Semen) - TAKEN AT LAB ONLY £229 8 working days
Female Hormone Profile £139 1 days

Oestradiol (17-Beta)

FSH £66 1 days
Hirsutism Profile £178 1 days


Luteinising Hormone (LH) £66 1 days
Macroprolactin £242 5 working days
Menopause Profile £148 1 days

Oestradiol (17-Beta)

Oestradiol (E2) £66 1 days
Oestriol (Estriol) £111 5 working days
Oestrone £111 5 working days
Oxidative Stress in Semen (ROS + MIOXSYS) - TAKEN AT LAB ONLY £229 2 working days
Pituitary Antibodies £108 1 months
Pituitary Function Profile £194 2 working days

Growth Hormone

Please provide details of time of day sample is taken. Patient should be resting for 30 mins before sample taking.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Profile £514 6 working days

17 Hydroxyprogesterone
Lipid Profile
Antimullerian Hormone

A fasting 9.00am sample is recommended.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome SHORT £177 1 days

Lipid Profile

Pregnancy Test (Urine) £54 1 days
Progesterone £52 1 days
Prolactin £52 1 days
Reproductive Immunophenotype Panel £378 1 weeks
Rubella Antibody (IgG) £68 1 days
Rubella Antibody (IgM) £88 1 days
Rubella Avidity £148 1 weeks
Semen Analysis or culture - DOCTOR MUST SPECIFY - TAKEN AT LAB ONLY £65 3 working days
Semen Analysis, Comprehensive - TAKEN AT LAB ONLY £199 3 working days
Semen Analysis, Post-Vasectomy - TAKEN AT LAB ONLY £119 3 working days
Semen Parameters - TAKEN AT LAB ONLY £88 2 working days
Sex Hormone Binding Globulin £76 1 days
Sperm Aneuploidy £801 4 weeks
Sperm Antibodies (Serum) £138 6 working days
Sperm Antibodies / MAR Test (Semen) - TAKEN AT LAB ONLY £119 2 working days
Sperm Morphology (Kruger strict criteria) £104 3 working days
Testosterone £55 1 days
Testosterone (Free) £116 4 working days
Torch Screen £190 3 working days

Toxoplasma Antibodies (IgG, IgM)
Rubella Antibody (IgG, IgM)
CMV Antibody (lgG, IgM)
Herpes Antibody (HSV1/HSV2 IgG)

This is only a small sample of the many blood tests which DocTap provide. Our expert doctors can advise you during your consultation on the most appropriate tests for your condition. View all blood tests.

* Please note that the lab results are estimates and can vary. Tests taken after 1pm will be classified as the following day for timing purposes. You will receive a written analysis of your results within 1 working day of them being available from the laboratory. It is often possible for the doctor who reviews your results to be the same doctor who requested them. This is considered medical best practice but will add an additional 1 working day to the timings. If you have multiple tests then we shall wait to report on them together unless the first results highlight any reason for concern. Sometimes the preliminary results will determine that additional tests need to be carried out on your sample. If this is the case then your results will take longer. There is no additional charge for this service.

As featured in

Why Choose DocTap?

DocTap seek to provide the most convenient, fastest, effective and best value private blood testing service in London. With 9 blood test centres across London and same day appointments available 7 days a week, it has never been easier to book a fertility test. We are proud to partner with The Doctors Laboratory (TDL) which has a worldwide reputation for excellence.

Unlike many organisations, you will see a UK accredited GP who will be able to offer their expert option on what test is most appropriate for you. Your results will also be accompanied by a written analysis of what they mean and what your doctor advises you to do next. Should additional treatment be required, or if you simply wish to discuss the results in more detail, then you can book a 15 minute follow up consultation for only £25. This can either be at any DocTap clinic or over the phone. When booking your follow up consultation you can request to see you original doctor if you wish (subject to their availability).

Should you require a full consulation before deciding to have a fertility test then there may be insufficient time to also take a blood sample in the appointment. In that case you can choose to either go to our walk in laboratory by Oxford Street (£15 phlebotomy fee applies) or to make a second appointment for the doctor to take the bloods.

Advice from expert UK doctors
9 London clinics, open 7 days
Great value blood tests & screens
Fast results, many same day
Includes doctor's report and plan
Follow up with GP (£25, optional)
World class partner lab (TDL)
No sales incentives for doctors
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Fertility Tests for Women

A healthy, regular menstrual cycle that releases an egg every month or so relies on the correct balance of signals from the glands in the brain acting on the ovaries to release the hormones to mature and release an egg. Blood tests can measure the signals (FSH, LH, prolactin) and hormones (oestrogen, progesterone) at various points in the menstrual cycle to establish if everything is present in the correct amounts to ensure the best possible chance of ovulation. You would require a blood test early in your cycle (FIP) and a further blood test to check progesterone (PROG) on around day 21 of your cycle can indicate if you are ovulation.

These hormone tests can help to diagnose menopause/ovarian insufficiency or polycystic ovarian syndrome.

There is another blood test called AMH (AMH) which stands for anti-mullerian hormone. This is a chemical produced by the cells surrounding the eggs in the ovaries, so the idea is that the greater the number of eggs left, the higher this figure. Although, there is no guarantee about the quality of the eggs left. There is some controversy surrounding what this represents in terms of fertility, but in conjunction with other tests it is useful to measure. Aside from blood tests, fertility specialists would recommend ultrasound scanning and possibly a dye test to check for blocked fallopian tubes. Your DocTap GP can advise you on the appropriate specialist to see and can arrange this referral.

Fertility Tests for Men - Sperm Count Test

The sperm count test (also known as semen analysis) is the main male fertility test and it is an important part of the investigations for couples with fertility problems as a low sperm count may impair fertility. The sperm count test can show abnormalities in the total number of sperm, the percentage that are normal and the number that are moving normally. All these factor will affect fertility.

If you have an abnormal result then your doctor may advise that you are referred to an andrologist who is a specialist in this area and can help you to optimise your fertility.  

Book a Fertility Test Today

Our doctors are available now and can perform diagnosis and blood tests for over 1000 conditions. To see a GP regarding a fertility test or for any other reason book an appointment now and start feeling better right away.


All Blood Tests

Sexual Health

Full Blood Count Test

Health Screening

Cholesterol Test

Liver Function Test

Thyroid Function Test

Blood Test for Cancer

ESR & CRP Blood Test

Kidney Function Blood Test

Diabetes Blood Test

Fasting Blood Test

Blood Test