
Steroid creams Fact Card

Used to treat inflammatory skin conditions. Steroid creams can be available combined with antibacterial and/or antifungal creams.

Brands Eumovate, Betnovate, Dermovate, Elocon.
Used For Steroid creams are used to treat a variety of inflammatory skin conditions, including eczema, psoriasis, allergic reactions, insect bites, irritant or contact dermatitis.
Side Effects The most common side effects include itching or irritation of the skin. Prolonged use may lead to tinning of the skin, stretch marks, pigmentation, and hair growth.
Warnings Overuse or inappropriate use can lead to skin thinning and pigmentation. Children should be supervised at all times, as systemic absorption can lead to growth stunting.
Pregnancy Not known to be harmful in pregnancy.

Steroid creams are types of medicines used to treat a large number of conditions that cause inflammation.  This could include eczema, psoriasis and allergies.

What is Steroid creams used to treat?

They can be used to treat eczema, psoriasis, skin allergies, insect stings and hay fever.

How does Steroid creams work?

Steroids are hormones that naturally occur in the body; they can be man made for medicinal purposes. Corticosteroids are the type of steroids used to treat diseases. 

These can be available as creams , ointments, lotions , suppositories, drops and sprays.

Steroid creams work by reducing inflammation including redness and swelling. They do this by stopping cells from producing "inflammation-specific" chemicals that are usually released in response to a variety of triggers such as an insect sting.

As featured in

How do I take Steroid creams?

It is important to use Steroid creams as your doctor or Pharmacist has advised. 

In most cases steroid creams are to be applied once a day; however this does depend on your condition & the strength of the steroid prescribed.

Side effects of Steroid creams

Possible side effects of steroid creams include;

Thinning of the skin

Permanent stretch marks

Allergic Contact dermatitis



Hair growth where the cream has been applied

In children long term steroid use can affect their growth; but this would be frequent courses of strong steroids- therefore it is important if this is the case to have regular growth checks with your doctor.


Things to avoid

Avoid long term use unless directed by your doctor/dermatologist.

Long term use of the stronger/potent steroids requires a reduction regime and not an abrupt stop.

Steroid creams and alcohol

Only trace amount of the cream enters the bloodstream so will not be affected by alcohol.

Can I take Steroid creams when pregnant?

Can be used in pregnancy under medical advice.

Steroid creams and breastfeeding

Should be used with medical advice.

Our doctors are available now and can issue same day prescriptions for all standard medications. To see a GP regarding a prescription for steroid creams or for any other reason book an appointment now and start feeling better right away.

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Please note. This site is for information only. If you are taking any medications please follow the instructions given by your doctor. Should you have an adverse reaction to any medication please seek medical advice.

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