Ear Drops & Sprays

Gentisone Fact Card

Gentisone contains an antibiotic and steroid used to treat bacterial ear infections and to reduce inflammation

Brands Gentisone
Used For It is usd for the treatment of eczema and infection of the ear canal (otitis externa). It is also used to prevent otitis externa following trauma, and also post-operatively in surgery to infected mastoid cavities.
Doseage Usually 2 - 4 drops in the affected ear three to four times a day and at night.
Side Effects Some patients report an irritation or rash around the site of use.
Warnings Long-term continuous topical therapy should be avoided, unless other specified by your doctor. This is to avoid the emergence of resistance organisms. Irreversible partial or total deafness can be seen when applied topically to open wounds or damaged skin (i.e. a perforated ear drum). This is more likely in the elderly.
Pregnancy Speak to your doctor before use. Safety for use in pregnancy has not been established

Gentisone is a combination antibiotic/steroid ear drop used to treat bacterial infections of the ear canal (Otitis externa).

It consists of the aminoglycoside antibiotic Gentamicin and hydrocortisone, a topical steroid which in combination treats both the cause and the painful symptoms of Otitis externa

What is Gentisone used to treat?

Otitis externa

How does Gentisone work?

Gentamicin is an aminoglycoside antibiotic that like other antibiotics in that class, inhibits bacterial protein synthesis, killing the bacteria which is unable to perform vital functions - hydrocortisone is a steroid and helps to reduce potentially painful inflammation locally

As featured in

How do I take Gentisone?

Child - 2-4 drops 4-5 X daily (including a dose at bedtime)

Adult - 2-4 drops 4-5 X daily (including a dose at bedtime)

*This medicine MUST NOT BE USED if you are suffering with a perforated ear drum as Gentamicin can be toxic to hearing* 

Side effects of Gentisone

Renal damage - when used orally, there is quite a high risk of acute renal failure, particularly when used with other medicines toxic to the kidneys but the risk with ear drops is very low

Ototoxicity - risk of damage to hearing is approximately about 10% but this too is based on oral administration - the risk with ear drops is very small but this is why these ear drops MUST NOT BE USED if there is a concurrent perforated ear drum


Things to avoid

Avoid if any sensitivity or allergy to the aminoglycoside class of antibiotics 

Gentisone and alcohol

Not containdicated

Can I take Gentisone when pregnant?

Risk of auditory or vestibular nerve damage is very small with gentamicin but it's use should probably be avoided unless essential 

Gentisone and breastfeeding

The safety of gentamicin use in Nursing mothers is not known but there are detectable levels found in both breast milk and in nursing babies

Our doctors are available now and can issue same day prescriptions for all standard medications. To see a GP regarding a prescription for gentisone or for any other reason book an appointment now and start feeling better right away.

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Please note. This site is for information only. If you are taking any medications please follow the instructions given by your doctor. Should you have an adverse reaction to any medication please seek medical advice.

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