Painkillers & Anti-inflammatories

Naproxen Fact Card

A Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication used to reduce inflammation and pain in joints and muscles.

Brands Naprosyn Vimovo
Used For Used to reduce pain and inflammation of joints and muscles. Usually taken as a short course
Doseage The usual dose is one tablet twice a day. There are several different strengths of tablet
Side Effects Irritation of the lining of the stomach - this can cause Indigestion, heartburn or stomach pain DIarrhoea, nausea, constipation Serious side effects include: breathing difficulties or wheeziness, allergic reaction, passing black stool or vomiting blood
Warnings Avoid and discuss with your doctor if you have ever experienced an adverse reaction to anti-inflammatory medications. Avoid if you suffer with Asthma Avoid if you suffer or have suffered with bleeding of the gut, stomach or intestines. Don't take with any other anti-inflammatory medicines
Pregnancy Naproxen should be avoided in pregnancy

Naproxen belongs to a group of medicines called non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs(NSAIDs). These can be used to reduce inflammation and pain in joints and muscles.

What is Naproxen used to treat?

How does Naproxen work?

Naproxen works by blocking the effect of chemicals in your body, which are produced at sites of injury or damage and can cause pain and inflammation. By blocking the effect of these chemicals, pain and inflammation are eased.

As featured in

How do I take Naproxen?

Naproxen is usually prescribed to adults at either as 250mg twice a day or 500mg twice a day. 

Side effects of Naproxen

The commonest side effect with naproxen is stomach irritation. This can cause acid reflux (heart burn), stomach pain and indigestion. More rarely this can lead to stomach ulcers and stomach bleeding.

An important side effect is kidney damage and for this reason people with more vulnerable kidneys (eg because of other medication or medical conditions) may not be safe to take this medication at all.

Naproxen can worsen heart disease. 

There are many other much rarer side effects that are listed in the product literature. 


Things to avoid

Don't take with other anti-inflammatory tablets. Avoid if you have a history of bleeding from the gut, asthma, liver disease, kidney disease, heart disease or high blood pressure.

Naproxen and alcohol

You can drink alcohol while taking Naproxen. However, drinking too much alcohol may irritate your stomach.

Can I take Naproxen when pregnant?

During the first six months of pregnancy, you should only use Naproxen
tablets if your doctor says it is necessary. During the last three months of the pregnancy you must not take Naproxen. 

Naproxen and breastfeeding

If you are breast-feeding, you should not take Naproxen.

Our doctors are available now and can issue same day prescriptions for all standard medications. To see a GP regarding a prescription for naproxen or for any other reason book an appointment now and start feeling better right away.

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Please note. This site is for information only. If you are taking any medications please follow the instructions given by your doctor. Should you have an adverse reaction to any medication please seek medical advice.

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